I found this guitar listed on Craigslist. And for those of you not familiar, Bergen County is in Northern NJ. It seems like lots of DA's ended up in NJ due to proximity to Ampeg's plant in Linden. Anyway, I wasn't able to get through to the seller to see if pics were available, etc., so maybe it sold or the guy just decided to keep it.
DAN ARMSTRONG 1972 - $3000 (Bergen County)
Serial # A2722D 2 pups Rock Treble and Country bass super condition original frets, tuners, bridge killer sound. e mail for pix
Posted: 2013-06-11, 11:53AM EDT Updated: 2013-07-02, 8:17PM EDT |
Now it's about a year later (August 2014) and the same guitar is coming up for sale on Craig's List in New Jersey. Comes with an aftermarket SKB case. Here's the latest listing...
A2722D has now been put up for auction on Ebay with an initial asking price of $2,250. That seems like a reasonable price considering it has both the ST and CB pickups, but the SKB case, changed pickguard, and missing strap button keep it from being more an investment-grade instrument. It also looks like one of the pots has been replaced.