This modified bass appeared on eBay in October 2012, ultimately selling for $400. That's super cheap, but the body has several major cracks in it and looks like it could split into two pieces pretty easily. So someone's taking on a project here, although the neck and pickup are easily worth the purchase price. If you know how to repair Lucite, this is the bass for you!
Barely two weeks later, the new buyer puts it on the market for $895, but the auction ends without a sale. Very cool '60's tie dye theme background for the pics, but makes it hard to see what's going on with with the body.
Next week the seller posts a very clear set of pics (above) and the bass finally moves again, this time at $614.
Lastly, here's a shot of the serial number that we received from a seller in 2011 when the bass passed through a pawnbroker shop in Anaheim, California. We wish we had kept more documentation from that time, but the serial number is all we have. The two eBay sales in 2012 also included the serial number in the selling description, but we don't have the text from either of those saved for some unknown reason. What we can say is that the hyphen in the serial number (D21-3A) is unusual, as are the block inlays in the fretboard.